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welcome to the family of Christ

Welcome brother or sister. You have just made the most important decision of your life!

If you are reading this then you have only recently given your life to Christ.

I just want to let you know that God does indeed love you, He knows everything about you - down to the littlest thing that you have done in your life. No matter what you have done in your past that is bad, then God forgives you for it because you have confessed your sins to Him.

Jesus came into this world so that we could all be forgiven and have the chance to share in the great message of truth and salvation that Jesus Christ gave to us through His death on the cross. Being a Christian is not a complicated affair - there are simple rules spelt out in the Bible that, if adhered to, will bring you a  joyful and peace filled life. Not that it will be an east life - you will still have all the trouble and temptations that are being thrown at you through your every day living, but you will know that Jesus Christ will be there to guide you along the right path.

Now that you are a Christian you are in two worlds at the same time - the earthly world and the spiritual world. You are in the presence of God in all things that you do from now on. He will be with you as you are praying, going to work, washing the car, shopping - in all things! The fact that you are now a Christian will affect every aspect of your life. If you walk with God and do as He says then your life will be truly blessed.

Jesus said, "Whosoever loveth me keepeth my commandments." If you serious want to walk with, you will do what He asks.  

Let the following be a guide to your new life:-

Read the Bible everyday

The Bible is the true Word of God and is how He talks to you. It is not just any book, it is a living book filled with the message of God. There is no other book like it in the world!  Always pray before you read it, ask that His will be shown to you through the pages. Finish your prayer as Jesus taught us “In Jesus name, Amen”.  

You will not understand all you read the first time round - in fact some of the passages, especially in the Old Testament (the first part of the bible) are sometimes very difficult to understand!  It is best to start you journey through the Bible with the Book of John , which is in the New Testament. This book was written to inspire faith in the Lord Jesus as the Son of God. Over half of this book is given to the events in the life of Jesus and His saying during His last days. 

You may find it  hard to concentrate on reading at this early stage - that is because there are those beings in opposition to the Truth of the Bible who don’t want you to read it! You will learn in time, as you are guided by the Holy Spirit to overcome these temptations and you will be greatly blessed for your efforts.

Go to a church where the Bible is taught

BE CAREFUL! There are a number of churches and organisations that claim to be Christian, but are teaching from books other than the Bible. Any church that suggests that you require any other ‘gospels’ or ‘sacred’ books other than the true word of the Bible are to be held in deep suspicion and avoided! As you become more familiar with the Bible you will be made more easily aware of false doctrines - you will not be fooled!

Get baptised

This means that you recognise the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. You are making a public statement of your commitment to Jesus and you are showing that you are doing as the Lord commanded. 
    "And now, why are you waiting? get up, and have baptism, for the washing away of your sins, giving worship to his name". Acts 22:16 (BBE)
It is you first step on the path to a life following Jesus.

Pray everyday

Talk to God - this does not mean that you have to learn great lengths of flowery prose! Just talk to God as you would talk to a friend. Thank Him for what He has done in your life, tell Him what you are worried about, you concerns. Pray for your family, friends and neighbours, those you know are sick and - yes - your enemies!

Tell someone!

As soon as you have made your commitment to follow the teachings of Jesus - tell someone the GOOD NEWS!

As a start you could E-MAIL me with the good news! You might also like to leave a Prayer Request so that we can pray for strength, guidance and the protection of the Holy Spirit as you set out on your new walk with God...

Tell other people!

Jesus commanded us to spread the word. You are now a disciple of Christ and as such you should take every opportunity to tell others that they might also be saved. No, you will not be an expert at it for some time. One way of spreading the Good News is to get hold of some tracts and hand them out to those you meet. Because the tracts will have been written by someone who has been walking with God for some time they will explain in simple terms what it means to be a Christian. You will have had time to look up any references in the Bible and will be familiar with the contents of the tracts. Should additional information be required by the person you have given the tract to, simply invite them to your church - others there will be experienced in talking to people.



Do not hold any grudges against people who have wronged you in the past - this will hinder your spiritual growth. Jesus commanded us to love our enemies as well as our friends. It is not up to us to sort out wrongs - God will do that! 
    “But I say to you, Have love for those who are against you, and make prayer for those who are cruel to you;” Matthew 5:44 (BBE)
    “Punishment is mine and reward, at the time of the slipping of their feet: for the day of their downfall is near, sudden will be their fate”. Deuteronomy 32:35 (BBE)

Love God above all things and love everybody you meet as yourself

As a new Christian you will sometimes experience more temptations than usual, you will experience spiritual attacks. There are those who want you to fail in your journey with Christ. They want you to slip back into the mire of sinfulness. Be strong - do not take your eyes from Jesus, keep praying and reading the Bible.

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Web design by Brian Goodacre